Bulimia is a devastating and often threatening eating dysfunction that develops about 90% of the time in girls. People with this disorder will consume abnormal quantities, and then they will intentionally force themselves to lose it in any way possible. Besides throwing up, you can find some people who use laxatives in abnormal amounts. Many bulimics have generally normal weight profiles at the onset, yet they still consider themselves as overweight. Several features about the beliefs include very negative feelings toward weight and food. What is often noticed in girls is for bulimia to occur in the years subsequent to puberty. In many cases you will find the person affected by low self worth and problems managing school and other environments.
Dangerous associated conditions including being malnourished and badly dehydrated also can arise. In the past, there have been well recognized bulimics in the news who have died from this problem. As an example, the very successful singer from the 70s, Karen Carpenter, struggled with bulimia for some time. Sadly she eventually died of heart failure because of the devastating effects this condition can exact on the body. Bulimia can be successfully cared for, but of course it is of critical importance to begin treatment immediately.
Nevertheless, the untreated disorder can result in severe inadequacies of vitamins and minerals which lead to other problems. Also, significant constipation can be a consequence of overuse of laxatives. Additional problems involve the throat and mouth because of excessive subjection to stomach acid from so much vomiting. Also, that acid will cause rapid tooth decay as well as serious difficulties involving the gums. Then, there are possibly fatal injury to the kidneys and heart functions. The difficulties connected with chronic and severe dehydration are a dangerous reduction in healthy levels of electrolytes. Excessive loss of electrolytes for too long a period of time causes heart attack and death. The death rate on account of bulimia is calculated to generally be in the area of ten percent of the total.
The bulimic can be given successful treatment from psychologists, psychiatrists and various other medical specialists. Medical doctors may even enlist the help of a professional dietician to design a specific diet to correct critical loss of nutrients. Professional therapy will work to end the pattern of binging and purging. Also, the patient will purposely be made aware of the likely perils to life and health. Naturally there will be treatment developed to identify the difficulties that can cause the patient to practice bulimic behavior. Knowing how to effectively talk about thoughts are within the points given in this therapy.
Bulimia can be fatal, but it may well be successfully beaten and resolved. An additional critical area is having strong support from the immediate family group. Other very helpful methods for gaining support from others incorporates group therapy. The overall key element to victory with bulimia is when the person struggling with it can express that he or she has this condition. It's also necessary for this person to fully grasp that a very dangerous idea toward food and eating is present.
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